

Scenarios are analogous to a test case.  A scenario is are a sequence of steps to test the behavior of the interface.  Suites contain one or more scenarios.  An example of a scenario would be a med pass, which would include a patient arrival, a series of lab orders and results, medication orders, etc.


Create a new blank scenario

  1. Select the root node in the suite tree (suite name)
  2. Right-click and select Add new Scenario –> Blank .
    A new node is created at the end of the tree view.
  3. In the Documentation tab, type a name for the scenario.
  4. Optionally, add a scenario description, a list of requirements the scenario covers, or any useful note.


Create a new scenario using profile workflows

  1. Select the root node in the suite tree (suite name).
  2. Right-click and select Add new Scenario –> Using Profile Workflows.
    A new dialog opens.
  3. Select the system(s) you want to simulate; these are part of the workflow to be tested.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Change to select the profile you want to use to generate the workflow.
  6. Select a profile from the document library or from your local computer.
  7. Double-click the trigger events representing the events of the workflow to be tested.
    Messages will stack. They can be updated as needed.
  8. Once the workflow is complete, click Next.
  9. (Optional) If Both was selected at step #3, repeat steps #5 to #8 to complete the workflow for the second system.


A new scenario representing the workflow and containing several actions and tasks is created.  The scenario can be updated as needed.

