Receive HL7 Message


A Receive HL7 Message task simulates a receiving system listening for HL7 messages on a specific TCP port. Validation can be done on the messages received.


Create a new “Receive HL7 Message” task

  1. Right-click the name of the parent Action the new task will be created in
  2. Select Add New Task –> Receive HL7 Message
  3. New Task appears under the parent Action
  4. Edit the task name as needed


Configuring a “Receive HL7 Message” task

There are several options to control message listening.

    1. Receive connection: Default network connections are pre-configured listeners. They contain the hostname (or local IP address) to listen to, a port and a connection timeout. Using default network connections let you change the testing environment by updating the default network connection instead of modifying all tasks individually. More details about how to define network connections are available on the Options page.
      • If checked, the application will listen to the hostname and port defined in the default send network connection.
      • If unchecked, pick a receiving network connection from the list.
    2. Purge pending messages: Enable this option to receive and discard any pending messages that are waiting to be sent by the interface engine. The purge will last until the specified network connection timeout is reached without any incoming messages. Once the purged is completed, the task will start listening as usual and sending tasks will be started for the current Action. This ensures that received messages are new messages and not lingering ones stuck in the queue from a previous execution.
    3. Listen for several messages: This configuration lets the software listen to the port until it receives a set number of messages.
      • Enter the expected number of messages. At execution, once this number is reached, the test execution continues to the next task.
      • OR select the Listen until timeout option so the task will continue listening and receiving messages until the connection timeout is reached.

      In both cases, validation rules will apply to all received messages.

    4. Save received messages to file: Received messages are stored in the execution results and in the execution reports. If needed, messages can also be stored in file at execution time.
      • If checked, the messages will be stored in the file path provided. Variables can be used to build the file path.
      • If unchecked, the messages will not be stored on disk. This is the default.

Note: During test execution, Receive HL7 Message tasks will start to listen at the beginning of the parent Action so there can only be one task that listens to a specific port per Action.


Add validation rules

Validations rules can be added to confirm the received messages are as expected. Several validation types can be added.