Execute Web Service


An Execute Web Service task allows you to interact with a Web Service during a test.


Create a new “Execute Web Service” task

  1. Right-click the name of the parent Action the new task will be created in.
  2. Select Add New Task –> Execute Web Service.
  3. New Task appears under the parent Action.
  4. Edit the task name as needed.


Configuring an “Execute Web Service” task

  1. Set timing: Specify the wait time before and after execution.  Wait times give a sending or receiving system enough time to initiate. They also add a pause between action executions.
  2. Type: Specify the Web Service protocol to be used.
    • HTTP GET – Encode the specified parameters directly in the URI.
    • HTTP POST – Enclose the specified parameters in the message’s body.
    • REST – Representational State Transfer is a software architecture style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating scalable web services.
    • SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks.
  3. Host: Specify where the Web Service is located (IP address and port).
    • If “Use default connection” is checked, the Web Service request will be sent to the host and port defined in the default sending network connection.
    • If “Use default connection” is unchecked, pick a destination for the Web Service request to be sent to from the list.
  4. URL: Specify the name of the Web Service request.
  5. Parameters: Using the HTTP GET/HTTP POST protocol, specify the parameters to be part of the request.
  6. Request: Using the REST protocol, specify the JSON request.
  7. SOAP Action: Using the SOAP protocol, select the action to be called. The related SOAP Envelope will be generated.
  8. SOAP Envelope: Using the SOAP protocol, specify the XML request.


Add validation rules

Validations rules can be added to confirm that the query result is as expected.