Home » Executing Tests
Right-click the name of the Scenario suite, the Scenario, the Action or the Task you wish to execute. Click Run.
You can stop a test mid-way or at any time. Simply right-click on a node and select Stop.
After a test is executed, you can generate an execution report:
The generated report is an Excel document containing descriptions of the test and all results.
Column Name | Description |
Name | The name of the suite, scenario, action or task executed. |
Status | Status of the node. A node inherits status from its children. If a task fails, the parent action, scenario and suite status will also fail. |
Documentation | Any documentation added to the node and last execution time. |
Configuration | Network connection parameters that were used. Messages specified in the Configuration tab (including variables), if any. |
Execution | Message Sent where all variables are instantiated. It’s exactly what was sent on the port. |
Validation | Last Result Validation rules and statuses for each of them |
Time | Execution elapse time spent on the task, action, scenario or suite |
You can also run your Scenario Suite using the command line application (TestConsole.exe) located in the Test installation folder (%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%CaristixCaristix Test or %PROGRAMFILES%CaristixCaristix Test). Simply call the application by providing the Scenario Suite to run in argument:
TestConsole.exe “C:MyScenarioSuite.cxs”
Use TestConsole.exe -h for more information.
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