Executing Tests

How to Run Tests

Right-click the name of the Scenario suite, the Scenario, the Action or the Task you wish to execute. Click Run.

You can stop a test mid-way or at any time. Simply right-click on a node and select Stop.


Generate an execution report

After a test is executed, you can generate an execution report:

  1. In the main menu, click FILE –> Save Execution Report…
  2. Give the report a location and a file name.
  3. Click OK.
    The report is saved and opens.


The generated report is an Excel document containing descriptions of the test and all results.

  • Summary Worksheet:  The summary worksheet contains counts for all execution statuses.
  • Execution Details:  This worksheet contains the configuration and the results of all tasks executed.
    Column Name Description
    Name The name of the suite, scenario, action or task executed.
    Status Status of the node.  A node inherits status from its children.  If a task fails, the parent action, scenario and suite status will also fail.
    Documentation Any documentation added to the node and last execution time.
    Configuration Network connection parameters that were used.
    Messages specified in the Configuration tab (including variables), if any.
    Execution Message Sent where all variables are instantiated.  It’s exactly what was sent on the port.
    Validation Last Result
    Validation rules and statuses for each of them
    Time  Execution elapse time spent on the task, action, scenario or suite


Run tests using the command line application

You can also run your Scenario Suite using the command line application (TestConsole.exe) located in the Test installation folder (%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%CaristixCaristix Test or %PROGRAMFILES%CaristixCaristix Test). Simply call the application by providing the Scenario Suite to run in argument:

TestConsole.exe “C:MyScenarioSuite.cxs”

Use TestConsole.exe -h for more information.