Advanced Options

Gap Analysis Options

Several options are available in the Gap Analysis window.

Here is a list of basic options:

Hide Unused Columns: If enabled, this option will hide columns referring to non-computed attributes. Example: If you don’t want to compare the length of fields, the column LENGTH in the Field section will be hidden from your gap analysis results
Ignore Case: If enabled, this option will compare strings using a non-sensitive case algorithm.
Use Fuzzy Matching: If enabled, this option will match names which are similar to each other. Ex: “Admit a patient” and “Admit Patient” will be considered as equivalent.
Use Strict Usage Comparison: If enabled, this option will consider each segment’s/field’s optionality as different. Otherwise, segments/fields that are not “Required” will be considered as “Optional”.

 Here is a list of more complex options that allow you to maximize usage of Gap Analysis