
Operators let you define validation rules whether they range from simple to complex.


Operators List

Operator Action
is Valid that contain this data
is not Valid that does not contain this data
= Valid with an exact match to this data (this is like putting quotation marks around a search engine query)
< Less than. Covers validating on numeric values.
<= Less than or equal to. Covers validating on numeric values.
> Greater than. Covers validating on numeric values.
>= Greater than or equal to. Covers validating on numeric values.
like Valid if includes this data. Covers validating on numeric values.
present Looks for the presence of a particular message building block (such as a field, component, or sub-component)
empty Looks for an unpopulated message building block (such as a field, component, or sub-component)
in Builds a filter on multiple data values in a message element rather than just one value.
in table Looks if the data is in a specific table of the Profile.
matching regex Use .NET regular expression syntax to build validations. To be used by advanced users with programming backgrounds. Learn more about regular expressions here:

This is also a quite good utility to hep you create complex regular expressions: