
This generator creates a uppercase character string to be used to set a static value.

How to use the “String” generator to create random value:

  • Check the Random option.
  • Set the minimum length of the strings you want to generate.The minimum value for this configuration is 0. A string with a length of 0 is equivalent to an empty string.
  • Set the maximum length of the strings you want to generate.
  • Include lowercase letters (a to z characters).
  • Include uppercase letters (Z to Z characters).
  • Include digits (0 to 9 characters).
  • Include special characters. This allows you to include any character you want.
  • Include random blanks. Including random blanks generates empty strings among the values for use in the field or data type.

How to use the “String” generator to set a static value:

  • Check the Static option.
  • Set the static value to be inserted.

How to use the “String” generator to set a Lorem Ipsum text:

  • Check the Lorem Ipsum option.
  • Set the minimum length of the strings you want to generate.The minimum value for this configuration is 0. A string with a length of 0 is equivalent to an empty string.
  • Set the maximum length of the strings you want to generate.
  • Include random blanks. Including random blanks means that you generate empty strings among the values for use in the field or data type.


Example #1: Generated Values
  • Random
  • Minimum length: 0
  • Maximum length: 5
  • Include random blanks: checked
Example #2: Generated Values
  • Static
  • Static Value: MyNewValue