HL7 Interface Testing Checklist

hl7-testing-checklistOver the past few weeks, we’ve reviewed multiple HL7 testing topics. So you know how critical it is to test interfaces during interface configuration, the validation phase, and during maintenance.   This HL7 interface testing checklist will help you design a testing process that covers your most important needs. And if you already have a testing process in place, it will help you identify any areas of concern.

1. We’re running tests to make sure we’re not injecting errors during interface development, configuration or during maintenance.
This type of test is called regression testing. It’s important to do this as you make major and minor changes to the interface.

 2. We’re positive our tests cover our interoperability requirements because:

  • We confirmed our interface engine handles our standard workflows.
  • We test each system independently to make sure they work separately.
  • We verifying our edge cases anticipating unexpected values.

We test network infrastructure so we know how we impact overall infrastructure performance.

3. Our clinicians trust our validation process knowing they’ll have consistent data flow in their clinical applications.

If they have concerns, you need to build in checkpoints the testing process.

4. We run the most critical tests across all interfaces for all sites.

Document your most critical tests, and document that you’ve run the tests.  

5. We’re testing with de-identified sample messages drawn from production data in order to cover our requirements.

Production data is realistic and will cover your use cases during testing. But it’s critical to remove PHI.

6. We’re testing in an independent test environment using the same configuration as our production systems.

Don’t use your production environment for testing. The risks are too great.

7. We document our testing process completely to ensure traceability and repeatability.

Keep this information accessible.

8. Testing takes us longer than any other part of the HL7 interface lifecycle.
If you checked this statement, you should consider test automation. Test automation will enable you to speed up testing and increase your test coverage.

 9. Our test reports include the number of times a test was run and duration, test results, the messages used and a summary of the test scenarios used.

How efficient is your testing process? Is it time to automate your testing?

See how Caristix technology automates testing. Check out this 2-minute excerpt on interface testing and validation from our on-demand demo. See how to prevent costly project rework and delays.