De-Identification videos

Welcome to the De-Identifying tutorial videos. 

Those tutorial show you how you can remove PHI from your data and replace it with new generated at run-time data. Take a look at the videos to know how do it.

Here are a few topics you may be interested in when using the Caristix software to remove PHI.

  1. De-Identifying PHI introduction (1:25)
  2. Customizing De-id Rules (2:07)
  3. De-Identifying Free Text (1:17)
  4. De-Identifying Messages in a Production Environment (1:49)



De-Identifying PHI introduction

Get introduced to the de-identification application and process.

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Customizing De-id Rules

The application comes with a set of de-identification rules. Those rules describe what field contains PHI and how to generate new data. Sometimes, you may need to add or modify rules to and manage customizations. Here’s how.

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De-Identifying Free Text

Free text like lab reports and notes may contain PHI. It important to manage them when de-identifying data. See how easy you can do it with the Caristix application.

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De-Identifying Messages in a Production Environment

Use the Caristix application to de-identify live feed in production so data can be forwarded to a test environment or a 3rd party while protecting PHI all in real time and automatically.

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